Connecting with Classes in the Arctic

Would you like to connect your class with a class in the high arctic?
The unfortunate reality is that so would hundreds of other teachers and classes across the country AND there are very few schools in the Arctic to begin with, let alone classes who are both able and interested in connecting with classes in the south right now. And the classes who are connected are often inundated with requests to connect.
Change takes time… So we will all need to be patient and adjust our hopes and expectations for this to happen.
BUT…. We have student KidsMeet video-conferences!
To meet this need, we began our national student “KidsMeet Canada” video-conference series. Please check out the 2 KidsMeet Canada videos below which include presentations by students in the Arctic. There is also a very good KidsMeet the Inuit in Labrador presented by an elder in Newfoundland which provides wonderful and entertaining information information about life in Nunatsiavut, Labrador.
KidsMeet Canada – Live Webcast June 14, 2017
(please go to 43:00 min. to watch Kangiqsualujjuaq, northern Quebec)
KidsMeet the Arctic
A live national student webcast for K-8 classes hosted by the Kids’ Guide to Canada project. Students from 5 classes share their arctic and sub-arctic communities through a variety of creative methods – videos, photographs, audio recordings, and phone connections – to overcome the challenges of using technology to connect in the north.
KidsMeet Inuit of Labrador
This is an edited version of the live student webcast “KidsMeet the Inuit of Labrador” recorded on Tuesday October 16th, 2018. You will need to CLICK CC to access the sub-titles to help in hearing and understanding some of Angus’ speech. Also, see for a video of Angus drumming.
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