Mystery Class Challenge #10
- Grades: K-8
- Date: Jan. 13 – 17, 2020 (This activity can be completed at any time, although “Top Sleuth” challenge closes Friday Jan. 17th, 2020.)
- ANSWER: Email your final answer to akgtcanada@gmail.com
- Share: Share photographs of your students working on the mystery to Twitter, Facebook, Instragram, using the hashtag #akgtcsa or tagging @akgtcanada or A Kids’ Guide to Canada.
- Students will develop grade-appropriate knowledge of Canada’s physical and political geography.
- Students will develop grade-appropriate map reading skills.
- Students will learn about and celebrate the uniqueness and diversity of communities across Canada.
- Social Studies/Geography (Communities of Canada, Regions of Canada, Map Reading skills)
- Literacy (Reading)
- 21st Competencies/Learning Skills (Critical Thinking, Collaboration, and Problem-Solving Skills)
Help your students develop their map-reading skills without even knowing it!
This week, we’ve selected ONE class from all of the classes who have uploaded artifacts to the Kids’ Guide to Canada interactive map to be our eighth Great Canadian Mystery Challenge Class.
The mystery class choices are restricted to only those classes on the Kids’ Guide to Canada map. Your students’ having access to the Kids’ Guide map is therefore essential in solving this challenge.
Using the clues provided posted each day on our website and on social media this week, we challenge your students to discover the mystery class location – without extra teacher assistance!
Clues are provided in both English and French. Please choose the appropriate clue and give your students one clue a day. It’s not a problem if you miss a day, as you have until Friday to solve the mystery!
When your students have come up with their FINAL ANSWER, please email it to akgtcanada@gmail.com . Only email submissions will be accepted.
To make the challenge fair between classes in 6 different time zones across Canada, each email entry will be date and time stamped according to the date and time it was sent to us. Only the FIRST answer will be accepted from each class, so please do not try to submit multiple guesses on Thursday, hoping to beat the rush!
First and foremost, this is a mapping challenge for the fun of learning about Canada and maps.
The FIRST class to submit a correct answer will be given bragging rights for being the TOP AKGTC SLEUTHS for January 2020, and we’ll send you a certificate for each student proclaiming this to be true!
We’ll also advertise the names of the 1st 5 classes to correctly identify the mystery class and its location for January 2020.
- digital devices
- interactive Kids’ Guide to Canada map
- 1 single clue each day emailed to Kids’ Guide participants (see below)
Tell your students to get their detective skills in gear!
WHO is the class and wHERE are they?
Qui est las classe mystère et où sont-ils?
Day 1 This class is located WEST of the St. Lawrence River and EAST of the Rocky Mountains.
Jour 1 Cette class est située à l’OUEST du fleuve St. Laurent et á l’EST des Rocheuses.
Day 2 This community is south east of Algonquin Park.
Jour 2 Cette communauté est située au sud-est du parc Algonquin.
Day 3 Students in this school do not live in one of Canada’s major cities.
Jour 3 Les élèves de cette école ne vivent pas dans une des grandes villes du Canada.
Day 4 Students of this school live less than 50 kilometres from the Canadian/US border, measured by air, as a crow flies.
Jour 4 Les élèves de cette école vivent à moins de 50 kilomètres de la frontière canado-américaine, mesurée en ligne droite à vol d’oiseau.
Day 5 Located on a major river leading from the last Great Lake to the ocean, this area is famous for its magnificent archipelago.
Jour 5 Située sur une rivière importante allant du dernier Grand Lac à l’océan cette région est célèbre pour son magnifique archipel.
WHO is the mystery class of January 2020, and WHERE are they located?
It’s time to submit your final answer!
Don’t forget to include your school and grade.
QUI est la classe mystère de janvier 2020, and OÙ sont-ils?
Il est temps de soumettre votre réponse finale!
N’oubliez pas d’inclure votre école et votre classe!